Home Featured Lego Animal Crossing is official — here’s the teaser and backstory

Lego Animal Crossing is official — here’s the teaser and backstory

Lego Animal Crossing is official — here’s the teaser and backstory


We still don’t have a Legend of Zelda or Metroid set, but Lego is slowly working its way through Nintendo’s most popular IP — today, it’s announcing that Animal Crossing is officially making its way to bricks.

We don’t have any sets to show you yet, just the teaser you see above that shows off some of the minifigs in animated form. No release dates, either. But Animal Crossing Lego isn’t coming out of left field.

Fans have been asking for this for years — many submitted Animal Crossing designs to the Lego Ideas program, and two of them made to the 10,000 votes required for Lego to consider producing an official set.

This is not an official Lego Animal Crossing set.
Image: Lego Ideas

“Aminal Corssing.”
Image: Super18K

Will Lego’s sets satisfy? I can’t wait to see.


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